Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Introduction Lesson: Product Overview

1. Sejarah ERP system

Pada tahun 1970an , SAP mengembangkan produk software yang dapat menangani proses data di waktu yang sebenarnya dan disimpan ke database pusat. Pada '80an, ERP menjadi standard software. Pesaing mulai terlihat di markerplace. Di '90an internet mulai tumbuh dengan cepat. Perusahaan baru mengembangkan aplikasi baru untuk internet dan "ekonomi baru" telah lahir. Dan pada 2000an E-Business didefinisikan sebagai perpanjangan ERP sofware. SAP menetapkan standar baru.

2. Jelaskan 3 produk SAP untuk perusahaan besar , menengah , kecil

 * mySAP Business Suite mySAP ERP

Sudah memiliki ratusan customer yang merupakan korporasi di seluruh dunia. Merupakan full customise system, menggunakan bahasa pemrograman sendiri (ABAP).

* mySAP all-in-one

ukurannya untuk Perusahaan yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang

*mySAP Business one

Sering disebut B1, merupakan produk paling ekonomis dari SAP. Dengan general modul yg bisa dipergunakan di semua jenis perusahaan, B1 memiliki keunggulan dengan adanya fondasi yang kuat, ditopang oleh flexibilitas program mengikuti business proses dari customer menggunakan Add On modul.

3. MySAP solution

 Each solutions has its own focus area and provides functions to map this area in a flexible and comprehensive way.

4. Component or Apllication

Components, however, represent SAP's technical view of software with an inside-out focus. Components are not the actual company solutions, simply the technical building blocks

5. Isi dari component

 SAP ERP central component, SAP enterprise Portals, SAP business Information warehouse, and SAP cutomer relationship Mnagement are technical parts of this solution

6. Membedakan SAP sebagai solution dan sebagai component

Solution memiliki awalan mySAP dan komponen memiliki awalan SAP

7. SAP NetWeaver Technology

 SAP's application and integration platform is the technical foundation for mySAP Business Suite and SAP xApps.

8. Sebutkan 4 area SAP NetWeaver

People Integration, Information Integration, Process Integration, Application Platform

9. SAP NetWeaver component

a.    mySAP ERP
b.    mySAP ERP Financial,
c.    mySAP ERP HCM,
d.    mySAP Business suite,
e.    mySAP CRM,
f.    mySAP PLC,
g.    mySAP SCM,
h.    mySAP SRM

10. Jelaskan MySAP ERP, mySAP ERP Financial, mySAP ERP HCM, mySAP Business suite, mySAP CRM, mySAP PLC, mySAP SCM, mySAP SRM

a.    mySAP ERP: is designed in such a way that companies can implement only the business fucntion they need when they need them, simplifying upgrades and reducingtotal cost of ownership
b.    mySAP ERP Financial : the aim of this solution is to a company’s founds effectively and, therefore, increase profitability in the long term
c.    mySAP ERP Human Capital Management : every company has employees they are important resources, and mySAP ERP HCM enable you to utilize hem effectively toward the success of your company.
d.    mySAP Business suite : provides this flexibility in a complate package of open, integrated solution for the entire value chain
e.    mySAP CRM : ia a solution that puts the customer first the customercan contact companies thourgh a number of communication channels
f.    mySAP PLC : this solutions offers fuction for productdevelopment, product safety, quality, and maintenance
g.    mySAP SCM : supply chain do not end at the warehouse doors. You can use mySAP SCM to plan and optimize supply chains across company boundaries
h.    mySAP SRM : employess can use this solution to provide procurement with information about demand directly from their work center quickly, easily, and effectively

11. Industri yg dilayani oleh SAP

otomotif, banking, chemical, healthcare, logistic service providers, mining, oil and gas, public sector, retail

12. Jelaskan SAP xApps

SAP xApps are a new breed application that enable you to drive improvements and innovations in company more easily, with their ability to combine exiting, heterogeneus system to from cross- fuctional processes, SAP xApps bring poeple, information and business processes together to make your company more dinamic and competitive, SAP increase the value of existing investment in the core business area and maximize he return in strategic assets, including employees, knowledge, products, business relationships, and information technology.

13. Karakteristik dari SAP xApps

a.    Cross-functional : SAP xApps can be implamented with a multitude of applications and information sourch
b.    Composite : SAP xApps execute flexible workflow and business processes independently of the underlying infrastructure.
c.    Cross-system : SAP xApps support a complex transfer of information(context, relevance), as well as the communication within the business itself, thereby simpliying the collaboration of working group
d.    Information-driven : SAP xApps enable intelegent processes that ara driven by decision-relavant business information

14. Contoh SAP xApps

a.    SAP xApps cost and quotation management (SAP xCQM)
b.    SAP xApps  Resource ang Portfolio Management (SAP RPM)
c.    SAP xApps product definition (SAP xPD)
d.    SAP xApps Emissions Management (SAP xEM)

15. Jelaskan MySAP all in one dan keuntungannya

mySAP all in one is a prepackaged, industry-spesific version of mySAP Business Suite with Built-in content, tools, and methodologies for a cost-efective ,
advantages :
a.    Rapid implementation and transparent costs : the software is implamented using a spesial implementation method  that is based on experience geined from more 15.000 cutomer installations in more 20 industries worlwide.
b.    Increased productivity and cost control : the comprehensive, preconfigured mySAP all-in-one industry solution integrate financials, human resources, logistic, and customer reationship
c.    Reliable partners : for several years, SAP’s technological know-how has been complemented by the industry knowladge of selected and qualified partners
d.    Scalability : the flexible and powerful system technology, which is also used in big enterprises, supports the growth of small an midsize companies

16. Jelaskan MySAP Business one dan keuntungannya

SAP business one is en easy-to-use business and oprational management solution for emerging and dinamic businesses ranging in size from 10 to several hundred employees, the solution is simple yet powerful, allowing an immediate and complete view of both,
The adventage:
a.    Rapd implementation :  SAP business on can be implemented within a few days and can be easily maintained, the solution is based on open technologies and be readily extended with special function, if required
b.    Lower costs : because it is cost effective, SAP business one offers a wide range of function for an intgrated data processing
c.    Increased productivity and cost control  : is simple an easy to understand user will quickly learn how to work with the system
d.    Sound business decisions : allows manager to quickly and effectively access strategic information from all eterprise areas and give the full control of relavant information and activities
e.    Scability : when a company grows, processes usually become more complex and software requirements change

17. SAP is a solution company

True , because business experience, strategy, an know-how are intangibles, which, bundled together with the vast falxibility, ingration, and customizing potential of SAP software

18. mySAP solution platforms are open and flexible

True , mySAP solution platform suppport databases, application, operating system, and hardware from almost every major vendor

19. all of the mySAP solutions are role based

True , because all of the processes within the SAP system are mapped back to user roles

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